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CU Boulder, ENVD

This study was completed to help assist the Louisville City Planners in ways to redevelop and improve the McCaslin Corridor. The purpose behind this project was to create various nodes, to help break up the traffic, and to create a pedestrian-friendly area.


To start this process, we began studying the existing area. The main goal was to increase storefront visibility and help attract people to these stores. After this assessment, we reviewed ways to decrease the road barrier that divided these areas into two separate spaces. We then split McCaslin Blvd. into a Northbound and a Southbound road, and broke down the parcels to help with the connectivity and movement.These smaller roads would take the pressure off McCaslin North and South Bound. Additionally, we identified nodes for pedestrian-friendly areas to bring liveliness and community engagement.


To help soften the hardscape areas, we identified places where bioretention filtration systems, stormwater retention ponds, and vegetation could be added. We designed building footprints to redesignate the blocks and create a more welcoming area through understanding the different zoning; commercial, mixed-use, and residential.

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