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Anna Reynoso


I received my Bachelor of Environmental Design from the University of Colorado, Boulder, with a focus on Landscape Architecture. During this time, I participated in the university’s Core Leadership Program and also studied architecture and design as an exchange student in Barcelona, Spain. 

My design approach is inspired by sustainable solutions and influenced by art and the natural environment. I believe successful projects emerge and unfold when buildings and nature work together. I look at every new project as an opportunity to be shaped, through the use of material and the lens of intellectual curiosity, into functional forms and spaces.

My design experience includes residential projects, commercial tenant finishes, custom ski lodges, and play spaces for children with physical, sensory, and cognitive disabilities. Before beginning my architecture career, I was the art director at a children’s day camp where I planned engaging design projects for children of all ages. I continue to express myself and create artwork through mixed mediums.

I am a strong proponent of engaging with the community. I am currently Treasurer for the USGBC Roaring Fork Board and was a graduate of the Aspen Citizen Academy. I also recently became involved in the school-based Buddy Program. In my free time, I enjoy many seasonal activities including snowboarding/skiing, hiking, rafting, and backpacking.

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